TerryAllen Farms holds a CHSA/CHJA Rated Horse Show each year. The intent of these shows is to give young riders, new riders, amateurs and professionals a chance to compete for awards while trying to improve their skills or the skills of their horses.
TerryAllen Farms CHSA/CHJA Show

The 2019 show was a great success and congratulations to all of our CHSA/CHJA medal winners and participants. If you would like to participate in next years show please call us at (860) 585-9018 or e-mail us via the Contact Us page, or stop by the barn and talk to one of our trainers.
2021 Calendar Year CHSA/CHJA Horse Show Schedule
Date | Horse Show | Location |
May 31, 2021 | CHSA/CHJA Show at TAF | TerryAllenFarms – Terryville, CT |

What is the CHSA
The Connecticut Horse Shows Association welcomes all riders who seek good sportsmanship and enjoy the thrill of competition. CHSA was established in 1928 to encourage and promote the interest of Connecticut horse shows which include most popular breeds, hunters, jumpers, dressage, driving, English and Western Pleasure and all equitation seats.
For more information about CHSA, please visit their website chsaonline.com

What is the CHJA
The Purpose of the Connecticut Hunter and Jumper Association is to promote and standardize all recognized shows and other equestrian activities within the State of Connecticut and contiguous states and to act for the common good of the exhibitors.
For more information about CHJA, please visit their website chja.net
Register Today!
Our schooling series is geared to producing… Come ride with us! You can register by downloading the Registration Form and returning your completed form to:
Samantha Borkoski
c/o TerryAllen Farms LLC
188 Allen Street, Terryville, CT 06786
return by fax: 860.845.2011
return by email: teryallenf@yahoo.com
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the Farm at 860.585.9018.
Rules and Specifications
- Every class offered herein which is recognized by CHJA, CHSA & NEHC will be conducted and judged in accordance with their current rules. In order to compete for Annual Awards in these organizations membership is required. Membership is required to enter CHJA & NEHC Medal classes. Membership forms, rule books and class specifications are available at the Secretary’s Stand and also www.chja.net, nehc.info and chsaonline.com. Points shall accrue upon receipt of the completed membership form and dues by the members show Secretary, or the postmark date of mailed application.
- Non-schooling fee $30.00 for those horse/ponies not shown in horse show.
- Stabling. All stalls will be on first come, first served basis. The cost is $35 per day. Stalls MUST be reserved by the Monday previous to the show. Stalls are permanent in nature and include doors or gates. SHAVINGS NOT INCLUDED. Arrival time is no earlier than the Thursday before the show at 5:00 PM. ALL STABLING MUST BE PAID IN ADVANCE.
- Prize money will be awarded at the Secretary’s office following the completion of the division. It is the responsibility of the exhibitor to collect prize monies.
- The Committee reserves the right to change or vary the courses at their discretion.
- Warm-Up Classes will be held at the discretion of management, time permitting, at a fee specified in the class descriptions. Schooling before start of show will be held in Jumper Ring only, from 7:30-8:00 A.M.
- Management reserves the right to cancel, combine or divide classes if warranted.
- Scratches will be accepted only with a veterinarian’s or medical certificate one hour before classes begin. No other scratches will be allowed except at the discretion of management. Absolutely no refunds on stalls. Scratch Fee: $25.00
- All entry blanks must be signed by the owner, trainer, rider, or parent/guardian (when applicable) prior to numbers being assigned.
- There will be an Order of Go for all recognized fences classes which will be posted and strictly followed.
- If necessary, the management reserves the right to limit entries in classes due to time restraints. Entries will be allowed in such cases on a first come, first served basis. Management reserves the right to adjust the time schedule when necessary.
- During judging, no one other than the rider(s) is allowed in the ring except on official business.
- Exhibitors must be in proper attire for all classes.
- Exhibitors are notified that any discourtesy or disobedience to the judges or officials on the part of an owner, rider or groom shall disqualify the horse, and the owner shall forfeit his entry and other fees.
- A processing fee of $20.00 applies to all non-negotiable checks.
- All dogs must be leashed.
- Every animal entered for competition shall be under the control of the Committee, but TERRYALLEN FARMS and CHSA/CHJA will in no way be responsible for any damage that may occur and it shall be a condition of every entry that each exhibitor shall hold TERRYALLEN FARMS and CHSA as well as the Show Committee harmless for any loss or accident which may occur. Should any question or dispute arise, it shall be referred to the Show Committee whose decision shall be final.
- All exhibitors in the Amateur sections of this show must present their Amateur Certification card before numbers are issued.
- Measurement Cards. All exhibitors in the Junior/Pony/Children’s Hunter Sections must present their Measurement cards at the Show Office before numbers may be picked up. All Junior/Pony/Children’s Hunters that do not have current Measurement cards will be measured. Measurement time and place will be announced.
- Post Entries. Post Entries will be accepted up to one hour before the class at regular cost plus an office charge of $25.00 per Rated Division. No Post Entries will be accepted when such entry would require the dividing or re-dividing of a class section.
- Entries close 48 hours prior to the show. You may enter online or by fax.
- All classes in rated hunter divisions will be judged on performance and soundness unless otherwise noted.
Warm-Up 8:00 – 8:45 A.M.
3′ Warm-Up
1. Blue/ Red Hunter-Open All Day
98,99,100. Children’s Hunter Horse O/F
101. Children’s Hunter Horse U/S
102. Junior Equitation Flat
103-105 Jr Equitation O/F
106. CHJA Junior Medal
107-109 Adult Amateur Hunter O/F
110. Adult Amateur Hunter U/S
111. Adult Equitation Flat
112,113,114. Adult Equitation O/F
115. CHJA Adult Medal
65,66,67. Children’s Hunter Pony O/F
68. Children’s Hunter Pony U/S
69. CHJA Pony Medal
116-118 Low CT Working Hunter O/F
118. Low CT Working Hunter U/S
2,3,4. Hunter Pleasure
5,6,7. Junior English Pleasure
8,9,10. Adult English Pleasure
11,12,13. Cynthia Jensen CHSA Eng. Pleasure
14,15,16. Children’s Pleasure Pony
17,18,19. Quarter Horse Under Saddle
20,21,22. Color Breed Pleasure
X-Rail Warm-Up
23,24,25. Long Stirrup Eq X-Rails
26,27,28. Long Stirrup Hunter X-Rails
29,30,31. CT Training Hunter 18” O/F
32. Long Stirrup Eq Flat
33. Long Stirrup Hunter U/S
34. CT Training Hunter 18” U/S
35-37 Short Stirrup Eq X-Rails
38. CHSA Short Stirrup Eq Medal
39-41 Short Stirrup Hunter X-Rails
42. Short Stirrup Hunter U/S
43. Short Stirrup Eq Flat
44,45,46. Walk Trot Eq
47,48,49. Walk Trot Hunt Seat Pleasure
50. Huntseat Lead Rein
2′ Warm-Up
51-53. CT Training Hunter B 2’ O/F
54. CT Training Hunter B 2’ U/S
128 Pre-Adult Eq U/S
129-131 Pre-Adult Eq O/F
55,56,57. Pre-Children’s Eq O/F
58. CHSA Pre-Children’s Eq Medal
59. CHJA Pre-Children’s Eq Medal
132-134 Pre-Adult Hunter O/F
60-62 Pre-Childrens Hunter O/F
135 Pre-Adult Hunter U/S
63. Pre-Children’s Hunter U/S
64. Pre-Childrens Eq Flat
65,66,67. Children’s Hunter Pony O/F
68. Childrens Hunter Pony U/S
70-72. CT Training Hunter C 2’3” O/F
73. CT Training Hunter C 2’3 U/S
137. CHSA 2’3 Medal
74. Children’s Eq Flat
2’6″ Warm-Up
75,76,77. Children’s Eq O/F
78. CHSA Children’s Medal
79. CHJA Children’s Medal
80. Modified Adult Eq Flat
81-83 Modified Adult Eq O/F
84. CHSA Modified Adult Eq Medal
85. CHJA Modified Adult Eq Medal
86-88 Modified Adult Hunter O/F
89. Modified Adult Hunter U/S
90-92 Modified Children’s Hunter O/F
93. Modified Children’s Hunter U/S
94-96 CT Training Hunter D 2’6” O/F
97. CT Training Hunter D 2’6” U/S
125 Hunter Derby 2’0 -2’3
126. Hunter Derby 2’6
127. Hunter Derby 2’9
119 -121 Intro to Jumper 2’ to 2’3
122-124 Low Training Jumper 2’6
Entry Fees – Flat Classes: $20; Jumping Classes: $25; Medals: $35; Warm-ups: $20; Non-Showing fee: $30 plus office fee and applicable warm-up fees; Champion & Reserve ribbons for each division.
Hunter Classes
BLUE/RED HUNTER Open all day. Score of 76+ receives a blue ribbon, score of 75 or below receives a red ribbon. No prizes for this class, ribbons only.
Pre Adult Hunter-CHSA 2’
CHSA/CHJA-Open to junior riders who have never shown over fences exceeding 2’6” at a recognized horse show. Riders may show horses or ponies. Fence height 2’0”. At the same show, horse/rider and pony/rider combinations may not cross enter into Children’s Hunter Horse/Pony, Pony Hunters or any class where fences exceed 2’6”. No combinations. Must be eligible for Limit Eq O/F as of Dec 1.
CHSA/CHJA-Open to junior riders who are eligible for Children’s Equitation. Open to horses or ponies. Fence height 2’6”. No combinations. At the same show, same horse/rider or pony/rider combination cannot enter any over fence classes exceeding 2’6”.
CHSA/CHJA-Open to adult amateur riders who, as of Dec. 1 of the current show year, have not shown in classes with fences 3’ or higher at more than three recognized (CHJA, CHSA) horse shows within the past 2 show years. Riders may not compete in any class at the same show where obstacles exceed 2’6”.
CHSA/CHJA-To be shown by junior exhibitors. Junior exhibitors 15-17 years of age must be eligible for intermediate equitation over fences as of Dec. 1 or the current show year. Fences not to exceed 2’ for small and medium ponies 2’6” for large ponies; 3’ for horses; spreads not to exceed fence height. Same horse/pony rider combination cannot show in any other rated division except equitation or pleasure. Horses may be shown by another rider in any other division or section oat the same show. Ponies may not cross enter into the Regular Pony Hunters.
CHSA/CHJA – To be ridden by amateurs who are no longer eligible to compete as junior exhibitors. Horses may be shown by a different rider in any other division or class at the same competition. To be judged on performance, soundness, manners, way of going, size of rider to mount and suitability as an Adult Amateur Hunter. Fences 3’ with spreads not to exceed height of fence. Ponies may be ridden by adults, suitability to count.
CHSA/CHJA Open to all horses and riders. Same horse comb/cannot show in both High/Low. LOW CONNECTICUT HUNTER FENCES 2’9”-3’
CHSA-Open to riders 13 and over Fences not to exceed 2’. Riders not eligible to ride in any other classes except pleasure.
18” Fences CHSA/CHJA-Open to riders 12 years of age and under who have never competed over fence exceeding 18” in a recognized show. Riders competing in this division may not compete in any other class in the show where obstacles exceed 18” in height. Course not to exceed 8 fences.
CHSA/CHJA-Open to all horses or ponies. No age limitations and no rider restrictions. No restriction of horse/pony/rider into other divisions if otherwise eligible. To be judged on performance, soundness, suitability and manners. Simple lead changes and/or trotting in corners is permitted. The same horse/rider combination may not compete in more than one section at the same show. A: 18, B 2’, C 2’3, D 2’6
Equitation Classes
CHSA/CHJA-Riders 10 years of age and under who have not competed in any class requiring them to canter or jump at a recognized show. Riders may not compete in any short stirrup classes. Will be asked to walk and trot in both directions of the ring. Judged on position and ability to control their mount. Diagonals considered.
CHSA-Open to all riders 10 years of age and under who have not competed in any class requiring rider to canter or jump. Horses or ponies to walk & trot both directions of the ring. Judged on manners, suitability, performance. Riders ineligible for Short Stirrup.
Open to riders who have not reached their 7th birthday as of 12/1 of the current show year and have never shown in classes other than lead line at any recognized show. Riders may be asked to trot. Riders to be judged on elementary fundamentals of horsemanship.
CHSA/CHJA-Open to riders 12 years and under who have never competed over fences exceeding 18” at a recognized show. Riders may not compete in any other recognized division or recognized class in a show with fences exceeding 18” with the exception of pleasure and pet-type pony classes.
Pre Adult Eq – CHSA-2’
CHSA/CHJA-Open to junior riders who have never shown over fences exceeding 2’6” at a recognized show. Riders may show horses or ponies. At the same show, riders may not cross enter into Children’s Eq, Children’s Hunter, Pony Hunter, any Medal Class over 2’0”, or any class where fences exceed 2’6”. Fence height 2’0”. No combinations. . Must be eligible for Limit Eq O/F as of Dec 1.
CHSA/CHJA-Open to adult amateur riders who, as of Dec. 1 of the current show year, have not shown in classes with fences 3’ or higher at more than 3 (USEF, CHJA, CHSA, NEHC) horse shows within the past 2 show years. Riders may not compete in any class at the same show where obstacles exceed 2’6”.
CHSA/CHJA-Open to riders who are eligible for Children’s Hunter, have not shown over a course where fences exceeded 3’ at a recognized show and have never shown in the CHJA Junior Medal Finals. Fences for horses and large ponies 2’6” and 2’0” for small/medium ponies.
CHSA/CHJA-Open to all Junior riders that have not reached their 18th birthday. Riders cannot cross enter into the Children’s Eq Division. Fences not to exceed 3’.
CHSA/CHJA Open to amateur riders 18 years old and over. Fences to be 2’9” to 3’.
Jumper Classes
CHJA/CHSA Open to all horses and riders. At the same show, horse/rider combinations are not eligible to compete in any other Jumper classes where fences exceed 3’0″. Fence height will be 2′-2’3″. No combinations.
CHSA/CHJA Open to all horses and riders. At the same show, horse/rider combinations are not eligible to compete in any other Jumper classes where fences exceed 3’0″. Fence height will be 2’6.
Medal Classes
PRE-CHILDRENS MEDAL CHJA – Rider to be a Junior member of the CHJA who has not shown over fences exceeding 2 ‘6” at a recognized horse show. If a rider has ever qualified for or shown in a 2 ‘6” Equitation final including the CHJA Children’s Medal, they are no longer eligible for the Pre-Children’s Medal. Opt tests 1-8.
CHILDREN’S MEDAL CHJA – Fences 2 ‘6” Junior members who are eligible for children’s hunter and have not jumped over 3’ at a recognized show including CHJA Junior Medal Finals. Riders are excluded if they have ever qualified or shown in any 3’ medal finals. Opt tests 1-8.
MODIFIED ADULT MEDAL CHJA – 2’6” Opt tests 1-8. Fences 2 ‘6” Opt tests 1-8.
CHJA ADULT MEDAL – Fences 3’. Opt tests 1-19.
CHJA JUNIOR MEDAL – Fences 3’. Opt tests 1-19.
CHJA PONY MEDAL – Fences 2’ (Small/Medium), 2 ‘6” (large Opt tests 1-19
CHSA 2’3 Children’s Medal – Fences 2 ‘3”
Hunter Derby Classes
2’0-2’3” Hunter Derby
This is a two round class open to amateur adults and juniors riders to be shown over a course of ten fences at 2’0”-2’3” with higher options not to exceed 2’ 6”. The first round judged on performance, hunter pace, and style, quality and substance, and movement. The course should include at least one in and out, one bending line and one unrelated distance. The obstacles are to simulate those found in a hunt field. Natural obstacles may be used. The top 4 or 25% from the first round will return to jump a handy hunter round of eight obstacles which may include at least two of the following: trot jump, tight turn option, clever options for jump approach, halt and/or back and walk jump. To be judged on style, brilliance, and handiness. Judges will adhere to USHJA Hunter Derby rules for scoring. The score will be a total of the two rounds. To fill a class, at least 4 horses must compete.
2’6″ Hunter Derby.
This is a two round class open to amateur adults and junior riders to be shown over a course of ten fences at 2’6″ with higher options. The first round judged on performance, hunter pace, and style, quality and substance, and movement. The course should include at least one in and out, one bending line and one unrelated distance. The obstacles are to simulate those found in a hunt field. Natural obstacles may be used. The top 4 or 25% from the first round will return to jump a handy hunter round of eight obstacles which may include at least two of the following: trot jump, tight turn option, clever options for jump approach, halt and/or back and walk jump. To be judged on style, brilliance, and handiness. Judges will adhere to USHJA Hunter Derby rules for scoring. The score will be a total of the two rounds. To fill a class, at least 4 horses must compete.
2’9″ Hunter Derby.
This is a two round class open to all riders to be shown over a course of ten fences at 2’9″ with higher options. The first round judged on performance, hunter pace, and style, quality and substance, and movement. The course should include at least one in and out, one bending line and one unrelated distance. The obstacles are to simulate those found in a hunt field. Natural obstacles may be used. The top 4 or 25% from the first round will return to jump a handy hunter round of eight obstacles which may include at least two of the following: trot jump, tight turn option, clever options for jump approach, halt and/or back and walk jump. To be judged on style, brilliance, and handiness. Judges will adhere to USHJA Hunter Derby rules for scoring. The score will be a total of the two rounds. To fill a class, at least 4 horses must compete.